Thursday, September 17, 2009

My First Real Blog

I just made something beautiful from something terrible.

Skating home from campus, I came across a pile of shattered glass -- the last, lonely remnants of a car stolen or broken into. Though I immediately identified the glass's appearance as something to be lamented, I couldn't fight the urge to skate through it. Like a jumble of marbles in an old comedy, the shattered bits almost caused me to slide out and fall to the ground, but I managed to maintain my balance and ride away. Narrowly escaping certain doom is easily one of the best feelings in skateboarding, and this moment was a definite highlight of my day.

Unlike my acting, this was a moment exclusively for me, but it got me thinking about my current artistic project. I've been rehearsing for an on campus production of A Dream Play for two and half weeks, and with two and a half weeks left before we open, I'm feeling the pressure. I know that I have been neglecting my work for the piece, and I can boil down the reasons to the fact that I am completely unenthused by the material and I am working with some completely uninspiring people -- in a cast and production team of fantastic artists, they are the exception, but they still weigh heavily on my mind and soul.

I've been so busy looking at the tragedy that I am failing to see the beauty of my situation. I am extremely fortunate to be working on an immensely challenging and rewarding character, and I am acting alongside some of my best friends. Two and a half weeks isn't a very long time, but if I apply myself in the ways that I know I can, I can narrowly escape certain artistic doom and salvage my work. And this time, I'll be able to share it with an audience.

Welcome to the Littleworld! I stumbled across this gem of a website while writing this post. I suggest you take some time and check it out: Animal House Sound Clips

1 comment:

  1. if you really wanted to prepare for your acting, you would have fallen in the glass.
